About Us

Hello! I am Julie Lampe, owner of MediQuest Plus LLC. In March 2020, I retired after 30+ years in the employer group insurance industry. Something I quickly discovered after I stopped working is there are a significant number of people already at or approaching Medicare age. Understanding Medicare, how it works, and how to select a Medicare option can be an overwhelming task. I started MediQuest Plus LLC to help fill the increasing need for guidance as people age into Medicare. I am also blessed with an awesome sister, Debra Hatcher, who agreed to join me on this venture.

I have always felt it is important to work with someone who knows health plans. MediQuest Plus LLC is here to assist Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Florida, Texas, and Ohio residents. If you stumble across this website while searching for guidance, and you are not a resident of one of the states mentioned, do not hesitate to contact us. We will reach out to our industry peers to help find a reputable agent licensed in your state, and get you the help you need.

At the end of the day, we want you to feel good about your Medicare decisions. You need piece of mind you have coverage that best suits your lifestyle and healthcare needs.

Then there is icing on the cake. After all, what would the world be like if all we talked about was insurance? Let's not go there! I intend to add a little spice to the mix and share my desire to remain active and travel as long as I possibly can. Take a look at our travel section and blog just for fun. Buckle up and let's make our senior years everything they can be, should be, and more!

Notice:  MediQuest Plus LLC is dedicated to helping seniors navigate through the Medicare education and enrollment process. We are consumer advocates that focus on Medicare. We are licensed life and health insurance agents and are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or federal Medicare program.