Medicare Advantage Plans

  1. 1. Replaces Original Medicare
  2. 2. Often includes Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage
  3. 3. Enrollment is limited to an enrolleeā€™s initial enrollment period, annual election periods and open enrollment periods, as well as special circumstances throughout the year called Special Enrollment Periods
  4. 4. Coverage is usually network-based, like an HMO or PPO
  5. 5. Premiums vary by plan and company
  6. 6. Premiums are not impacted by age or gender, but do vary by county
  7. 7. Guaranteed acceptance
  8. 8. Benefits vary by company
  9. 9. Out-of-pocket costs are capped

How do I get a Medicare Advantage Plan?

  1. MediQuest Plus LLC can help you find a Medicare Advantage Plan that fits your needs. We have affiliations with several carriers that offer Medicare Advantage products. Contact us for an appointment if you would like assistance with searching for a plan.
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Notice:  MediQuest Plus LLC is dedicated to helping seniors navigate through the Medicare education and enrollment process. We are consumer advocates that focus on Medicare. We are licensed life and health insurance agents and are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or federal Medicare program.