Medicare Supplements

  1. 1. Fills the gaps in Original Medicare
  2. 2. No Rx coverage — can be paired with Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage
  3. 3. Enrollment is year-round
  4. 4. Typically accepted by any provider that accepts Medicare
  5. 5. Monthly premiums typically vary by plan and geography
  6. 6. Premiums can be affected by age and gender
  7. 7. Health questions may be asked to determine eligibility
  8. 8. Benefits are the same regardless of which company offers them
  9. 9. Most plans do not cap out-of-pocket costs

How do I get a Medicare Supplement?

  1. MediQuest Plus LLC can help you find a supplement that fits your needs. We have affiliations with several carriers that offer Medicare Supplement products. Contact us for an appointment if you would like assistance with searching for a supplement.
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Notice:  MediQuest Plus LLC is dedicated to helping seniors navigate through the Medicare education and enrollment process. We are consumer advocates that focus on Medicare. We are licensed life and health insurance agents and are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or federal Medicare program.